Sports Talent Sharing Day ‘Fishing Lessons by the Korea Sportfishing Association’

The July program of the Sports Talent Sharing Day, ‘Fishing Lessons by the Korea Sportfishing Association’ was held on July 25th at the Solchi Trout Party fist farm located in Wonju, Gangwon-go Province with participants from the Geumcheon branch of the Korean Blind Union.

The talent sharing day program included education on theory including introduction to fishing events and method, as well as opportunities to experience fishing techniques, trout fishing, and barehanded trout catching. As most of the participants did not have prior fishing experience, participation in this program provided an opportunity to participate in amateur sports fishing activities.

In the fishing experience, participants used artificial lures to catch trout despite the hot weather. In the barehanded trout catching experience, the blind were able to use their extraordinary senses to catch 20 fish which were served as trout sushi rice bowls for lunch.

The participants never ceased to laugh during the experience and spent an enjoyable time in the water during the hot weather where they forgot their age and splashed each other like young children.